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Bambi Scripts
Ever wonder what exactly are in those files? We've got scripts for Every Bambi Sleep file in a an easy to read format
Read the Scripts

Everything You Need to Know About Bambi Sleep

Bambi Sleep resources live all over the internet, and can be hard to track down. Deleted accounts, purges, and similar events can easily erase content in a flash.  


Learn about the original and community created Bambi Sleep triggers


An index of original and community created files


Learn about existing playlists and how to create your own!


Other sites, servers, creators, forums, and more!

“Bambi Does As She’s Told.
Her only impulse is to serve and obey.
As a perfect bimbo maid.
She has no other choice but to instantly obey.”

- Perfect Bimbo Maid


New to Bambi Sleep?

Are you just getting started? Want to know the best order to listen to the files, finding your comfy spot to best trance, or perhaps you are struggling to even find the files to download?  We’ve got you covered.

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Magna voluptatum dolorem! Dolores! Sociosqu commodo nobis imperdiet lacinia? Magni! Felis, elementum nobis imperdiet lacinia nobis imperdiet lacinia.

Just relax and listen. We take care of everything else.

Bambi Sleep is a series of erotic hypnosis files focusing on turning the listener into a mindless bimbo doll named Bambi.

There is lots of argument about this. The short answer is “probably not”. Bambi Sleep lies in a kink space known as consensual non-consent (CNC). As a “brainwashed bimbo with no thought or will to speak of”, Bambi is extremely vulnerable. 

Congratulations. First off, remember the human. Secondly, listen to the files, and read the scripts. Knowing what goes into a Bambi’s head teaches you how to tickle the triggers and not spam them. Finally, be a Daddi, and protect them and take care of them. They are opening their vulnerability to you, and you owe them that.

Listen to the files. Bambi Sleep files are modular, and meant to be listened to in playlists.  Bambi Prime, the creator of the original Bambi Sleep files suggest a few, but the most popular is the 20 Day Takeover

Therapy. Find a certified local hypnotherapist, and explain to them your situation. Use replacement therapy, and find a new hobby to obsess over. 

Coming here is like trying to find an AA chapter in a bar.


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